Tuesday, November 15, 2011

NEW VIDEO | "My Brothas" - Sharks In a Three Peace Suit

With about a month to go before San Jose's super group Sharks In a Three Peace Suit drops their second installment "Part Two" in a series of compilations brought to you by High Esteem Studio.  They have released a video anticipating the drop of Part Two.. Here is a sneak peak of what to expect with the new album.

This time around, High Esteem Studio gives you some visuals of the group chillin' together. This video is for the song 'My Brothas' produced by Tequila Brown. Filmed, cut/sequenced by Matty Slims. [video after jump]

Sit back and enjoy the flick.. repost and share. Also, look out for SIA3PS - PART TWO coming at you in December.

If you haven't heard what SIA3PS has been up to, check out 'Part One' HERE..

Also, "LIKE" them on Facebook and/or follow @sia3ps on Twitter..



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