Welcome to The Slapp Factor!!

Get familiar with everything Myc Ripley and Ello Covey..

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

I am Myc Ripley

Myc Ripley (°1979, Ukiah, United States) creates and performs music, media art and conceptual artworks. With a conceptual approach, Ripley wants to amplify the astonishment of the spectator by creating compositions or settings that generate tranquil poetic images that leave traces and balances on the edge of recognition and alienation.

His performances directly respond to the surrounding environment and uses everyday experiences from the artist as a starting point. Often these are framed instances that would go unnoticed in their original context. By creating situations and breaking the passivity of the spectator, he wants the listener to become part of the art as a kind of added component. Art is entertainment: to be able to touch the work, as well as to interact with the work is important.

His works are based on inspiring situations: visions that reflect a sensation of indisputability and serene contemplation, combined with subtle details of odd or eccentric, humoristic elements. By applying a poetic and often metaphorical language, he tries to approach a wide scale of subjects in a multi-layered way, likes to involve the listener in a way that is sometimes physical and believes in the idea of function following form in a work.

His work appears as dreamlike images in which fiction and reality meet, well-known tropes merge, meanings shift, past and present fuse. Time and memory always play a key role. Myc Ripley currently lives and works in San Jose.

Check out the 3 part Myc Ripley back story in the Bio tab!!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Myc Ripley - Part 3

Welcome to part 3!! It's 2014 and Myc Ripley has grown as a person, friend, artist, etc. There has been ups and downs, a couple cases caught, a new child, wife, and better plans for the future..

Since Part 2, Myc Ripley has been working with artists around the world, from US to Romania, Italy, Switzerland and the UK. Also, he has been dipping into different genres of music from dubstep/grime, drum & bass, pop, dance. There is no boundaries that can hold back his talent. This man stays working, stays collaborating and will end up where he needs to be.

The project that was aimed to drop in February has been replaced with a different concept. Once again #FVXKERY will not be materializing. The Slappelle Show will be returning with its 4th installment, Introspection. Along with a whole new vibe of Myc Ripley on Aura Glorealis both coming later this year! Here is some concept art for Aura Glorealis, Slapp Show 3 is still in the planning phases.

For more Myc Ripley info link up on Facebook, like the Facebook page, follow on Twitter and subscribe to the YouTube channel.. Don't forget to sign up for the email list!! New music and goodies for those on the subscribers of the email list. Thank you for your time, graces for 2014!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Myc Ripley in Cuckoo Worldwide Clothing shoot | Drops Jan 29 2014

I got the chance to try some new threads from the homie Cuckoo Danny and Cuckoo Worldwide while participating in the newest photo shoot for the newest part the 2014 drop coming Jan 29th. Head on over to Cuckoo Worldwide and check out the new drop!!

If you live that IG life hit em up @cuckooworldwide and like the FB page cuckooworldwide.com