Alright people, here it is.. In its entirety.. "Amidst The Darkness - The Prequel&trade" available on BANDCAMP.COM, REVERBNATION and LAST.FM and many other sites to come (that will be another post when it happens) til then grab it RIGHT NOW from these sites!
So, what now? Enjoy the album.. It is the beginning of a transitioning Myc Ripley, because where I'm at now; is not where I was then.. Hence the name ATD. I haven't had that much clarity about myself until recently and in that I have found that both of the concepts for this and the next drop were totally relevant!!! I say this, since I wasn't really wanting to put this out there.. Honestly its a journey in its whole, follow me as we go down the dark path towards the light!!!
During the last week, I've given some sneak peek previews of the rough mixed version of ATD to various people in circle & there was actually some great feedback! *Sounds my own trumpets!!* Here are some:
@screwloosemusic http://www.screwloosemusic.com
ON1 says, "Just listened to it through man and there are some slappers! I would take that electric blurp outta 'Try 2 End Me' tho, kinda rough on da ears. Other than that, the album is pretty solid my dude. Insidem and Leave Her are my favorites right now. Imma go through it again tonight. Oh and Top Knotch, that song is hella funky too. the synths are saucy."
@deejaymikej http://www.myspace.com/thajointventure
Mike J says, "I thought the mixes were sounding good. Transitions were a lil ruff but that's expected. U r a beast my friend!"
@soliscin http://www.reverbnation.com/soliscinmusic
Solis says, "ATD is Dope fam!!! Slaps all day. Back to back. My favorite track had to be Amidst the Darkness tho. The beat, the rhyme schemes, the meaning. All around a dope track!!! It didn't stop there. 2DoMe, My Sable. Slaps kept coming. Myc Ripley's flow is like water.. Salute!!"
@frugalfarmacy http://www.frugalfarmacy.com
MedsRx says, "Oh and u wanna talk lyrics? @mycripley comes thru with some of that real acrobatic turf talk! Wordplay for days. Myc Ripley "Amidst the Darkness" get it. "Dead in your Arms" is real music. Listen to the evolution of a man... Mr. Myc Ripley. Tracks like topknotch are straight slapptastic!!"
@arkainmusic http://www.ArkainMusic.com
Arkain says, "'Insidem' is tha bizniss!!!! Hold up, hold up I retract my last statement! Amidst the Darkness as a whole is the Bidniss!!!! Gettin Faded!!!!! Dead in your Arms, damn bruh #Solid!!! Top Knotch GOOOOOOESS!!!!!!! Thank u for puttin me on the exclusive preview list!!"
Be on the lookout for "Purify The Album&trade" later this year.. BLESSINGS!!